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2019-12-19 10:18    

Dat Asian Over There

Yao was the best big man during his career, I feel bad for him because of his injury


Cameron Ortiz

I give yao a lot of credit, not many guys shaqs size could handle him


Jordan Kohring

Anyone who claims that Yao only got in because of "China's market" is an idiot and a clown. You degenerates obviously never watched Yao's dominance during his peak, and want to downplay his achievements because you're uncomfortable with an Asian man getting into the Hall of Fame.


Chris Haugan

Yao Ming sounds like a black guy with a Chinese accent, lol guess that's what happens when you learn from your teammates


West Senkovec

We the black delegation choose Yao Ming


Lijo k 26

Yao and TMac era was an unforgettable time in my life where I fell in love with the game of bball, many people in Houston believed that these 2 players will bring us a championship that we were waiting for but the injury hurt us every time in the crucial moments in the playoffs run but I respect Yao and TMac as players and they gave all out on the court so I'm still happy even though as fans our dreams didn't come true but you and TMac are going to be HOF players.... Repping Houston Rockets, Texans, Astros, Dynamos for life... Htown StandUp


slack city

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