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奥巴马大女儿绯闻男友曝光 哈佛学长出身英国贵族公学

2018-04-05 06:50    


中国日报网11月23日电 11月18日,美国前总统奥巴马19岁的大女儿玛丽亚被拍到在康涅狄格州纽黑文市观看一场耶鲁对哈佛的橄榄球赛时与一名神秘白人男子亲密热吻。据英国《每日邮报》11月22日报道,这位神秘男子名叫罗里·法夸尔森,来自英国,是哈佛大学二年级的学生。






The student who was caught passionately kissing former First Daughter Malia Obama before the Harvard-Yale football game on Saturday is a British import, DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal.

Rory Farquharson was head boy at one of England"s most prestigious schools before deciding to continue his studies at the Ivy League university, where he is now in his sophomore year.

The 19-year-old posted a picture of himself at the Cambridge, Massachusetts, school last fall with the three simple words: "So it begins."

But Farquharson couldn"t have known the international media storm that would begin when he made out with President Barack Obama"s eldest daughter — and it was all caught on camera.

Farquharson was selected Head of School at Rugby School for the school year 2015-2016.

The position, usually selected by the school principal in British schools, is to provide a link between teachers and students and usually goes to the most outstanding student — both academically and socially — of the year.

The girls all thought him "quite a catch", one school insider told DailyMail.com.

The insider added: "He was very popular."

Rugby is one of the top "public" schools in the United Kingdom, just a rung below the more famous Eton and Harrow.

It charges more than $42,500 (£32,000) a year for tuition and board and is, perhaps, is most famous for giving the world the game of rugby.

Farquharson played the sport and was an extra in a rugby video that played in the Rugby World Cup Opening Ceremony in 2015, with Prince Harry also making an appearance in the clip.

The young man also represented the school at golf. He was also a member of the Blue Bunsen Society, a chemistry club.


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