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2018-04-05 15:41    

Photo: Reuters


File photo: VCG



Photo: EPA

It"s become part of the annual tradition of the White House Thanksgiving turkey ritual: voting to see which of the two official birds will be pardoned, and which will be the alternate. This year"s winner is "Drumstick," who garnered 60% support over rival "Wishbone," who earned 40%.


And so it was Drumstick who Tuesday afternoon in the White House Rose Garden received a presidential pardon from Donald Trump.

所以,美国总统特朗普于周二 (当地时间11月21日)在白宫玫瑰园赦免了火鸡“大鸡腿”。

"Wow, big bird," the President said as he approached the 36-pound turkey, petting it several times. "Drumstick, you are hereby pardoned."


Photo: VCG / Xinhua

Trump was accompanied by his wife, Melania Trump, in an autumn patterned coat slung over her shoulders, and the couple"s 11-year-old son, Barron Trump, who wore a coat and tie for the occasion.


Photo: CNP / NEGA

Before the actual pardoning, Trump stood for several minutes at the podium, revving up a few turkey-inspired quips, including a reference to the two turkeys pardoned last year by President Barack Obama, Tater and Tot.

在正式赦免仪式之前,特朗普在演讲台前站了好几分钟,讲了几个跟火鸡相关的段子,还拿去年奥巴马赦免的两只火鸡“土豆”(Tater) 和“丸子”(Tot) 开玩笑。

Photo: AFP / Getty Images

"I"ve been very active in overturning a number of actions by my predecessor. However, I have been informed by the White House counsel"s office that Tater and Tot"s pardons cannot under any circumstances be revoked," Trump said. "So Tater and Tot, you can rest easy."


Photos shared on Instagram

Drumstick and the alternate turkey, Wishbone, arrived with a lot of squawking over the weekend in Washington, resting up in a swank room at The Willard Intercontinental Hotel, complete with twin beds and a floor covered in wood chips.


The hotel stay is paid for by the National Turkey Federation, which supplies two turkeys each year for the presidential pardoning ceremony at the White House.


Photo: dailymail.com

Wishbone and Drumstick were both raised on a Minnesota turkey farm, and though Drumstick won the online White House poll, in actuality, both will go on to live at "Gobbler"s Rest," on the campus of Virginia Tech, where other pardoned birds have resided.

火鸡“如愿骨”和“大鸡腿”在明尼苏达州一家火鸡农场长大,虽然白宫发起的网络投票显示“大鸡腿”获胜,但是实际上两只火鸡被赦免后都会前往弗吉尼亚理工大学校园中的“Gobbler"s Rest”,在那里安度余生。

Photos: CNN

The White House also established two short bios on each turkey -- for instance, one"s into classic rock, one prefers country music. As for "strut style," Drumstick does his thing "tall and proud" and Wishbone"s more of a "strong shuffle."



Photo: AFP / Getty Images


Photo: AFP / Getty Images

“Truman did not grant the pardon—he was a tough cookie. Today, I’m going to be a much nicer president.”


“Oh Drumstick—I think he’s going to be very happy. ”


“Drumstick has a bright future ahead of him.”


Photo: AFP / Getty Images

“And now, I think Drumstick and Wishbone would be very thankful if we should just get around to the pardon. They say–enough talk—just do the pardon.”


“Wow! Wow! 36 pounds. That’s a big bird. I feel so good about myself doing this.”



历届美国总统都会把赦免火鸡作为向美国人民送上感恩节祝福的机会,这次,特朗普还顺便带领大家回顾了一下美国总统赦免火鸡这项传统仪式的“进化史”... 据《每日邮报》梳理:

File photo: 21cn.com

As Trump mentioned, American presidents were annually presented with a turkey starting in 1947, though the event didn"t officially turn into a "pardoning" ceremony until the Ronald Reagan years.


File photo: 21cn.com

Reagan pardoned "Charlie" the turkey in 1987.


President George H.W. Bush made it into an annual tradition when he took office in 1989.


File photo: AFP / Getty Images

And the tradition was respected through the Clinton and Bush 43 years.


President Obama tried to make the pardoning a family affair, having daughters Sasha and Malia participate for the first seven years he was in office.


File photo: VCG

Last year however, the girls, now in their teens, were replaced by younger models, with President Obama"s nephews Aaron and Austin Robinson standing alongside the president as he pardoned Tot.


Photo: Reuters

During the Obama years the turkeys also got star treatment, staying at the Willard most years, or at the W, the more modern luxury hotel next door.


来源:CNN,Fox News,Bloomberg / 图片除标注外均来自网络

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