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德国组阁谈判失败 或重新大选

2018-04-14 04:05    

#看世界#【德国组阁谈判失败 或重新大选】德国总理默克尔所在联盟党、自民党和绿党之间的组阁谈判,由于涉及气候、难民接纳和欧元政策的重点问题产生分歧,自由民主党退出了组阁谈判。这一谈判破裂,或导致德国重新大选,但如果默克尔能说服社会民主党的加入,则可能避免重新大选。Germany could be facing a snap election as Angela Merkel"s Conservative union is yet to form a coalition with another two parties, clashing on migration and climate change. If an agreement can"t be reached, the Germans face a snap election, after Merkel rejected going into opposition with her outgoing Parliamentary partners - the Social Democrats - when the election result was announced on September 24.

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